Ciarutan Ilir, (Thursday, 15/6/2017) Enviro School has been implementing the Envikroducation Fair. Enviroducation Fair is a series of end of PKM-M Enviro School in the form of exhibit products from waste that has been generated during the program Enviro school, reflects the Kaleidoscope programme Enviro School in RT 05 RW 03 Ciaruteun Ilir Village, as well as Awards to participants of the Enviro School. Enviroducation Fair is attended by residents of Envikro School program participants ranging from mothers, youth, and children, program partners the Foundation Gemmar, Chair RT 05 Mr. Oding and Chairman of RW 03 Mr. Mansur. In addition, present as the guest of honor the head of waste management Department of the environment (DLH) Bogor district, Mr Atis Tardiana, ST, M.Si along with the ranks and a representative from the Association of Bank Indonesia Garbage (ASOBSI) Bogor district Mr. Hermawan, SH. DLH and ASOBSI Bogor district strongly support the keberlanutan program. Additionally the DLH and ASOBSI promised to provide mentoring to Enviro Trash hole creation and training Bank biopori as one household garbage handling efforts. “I am very grateful, surely this must be sustainable, depends on fathers and mothers here, Mr. RT, Pak RWS last support, also from Mr. Hasan as community leaders. I expect after series of Enviro School was completed does not mean activities done tetep should continue, “said Mr. Atis. In addition to the exhibition of the results of the utilization of waste, the activity is also diramaikan with creative craft-making contest held from garbage with participants ranging from mothers, fathers to sons. Other events on this occasion is the classification of customer savings results packages Enviro School and iftaar. Although the Enviroducation Fair is a series of programs, certainly the last Enviro School not only up to here, but will be continued. Overall, the Enviroducation Fair presented the results of the post test of Enviro School has managed to shape the awareness, attitudes, and behaviour of participants who care about garbage.

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