Departemen Manajemen

Collaboration with PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PT PJB)

Collaboration with PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PT PJB)

Collaboration between the Department of Management and PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PT PJB) has been established since 2017 starting from MoU signing between PT PJB and the Faculty of Economics and Management – IPB on June 6th, 2017. The collaboration are carried out in the fields of mentoring, research, study and management of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities at PT PJB. The cooperation that has been carried out includes: 1) IKM studies / studies, 2) student internships (research), and 3) training for SMEs assisted by CSR of PT PJB.

The first attempt of the collaboration between those two is the Study of Measurement of the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) Period 2016 and Progress Measurement of PT PJB’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program. This study were conducted in 13 PJB units for 2.5 months period of time from July 21, 2017 to September 30, 2017. The study locations were PT PJB Head Office, UP Muara Karang, UP Muara Tawar, UP Cirata, BPWC, UBJOM Indramayu, UBJOM Rembang, UBJOM Tanjung Awar-awar, UBJOM Pacitan, UP Gresik, UP Brantas, UP Paiton, and UBJOM Paiton 9.

The aims of the study were to measure the level of community satisfaction of the implementation of the CSR PJB program and the success rate of the CSR PJB program on the progress experienced by the groups of society who received the CSR PJB program; and finnaly, based on those measurements, the study output is to determine improvement strategies and action plans, and to adjust CSR programs to improve the performance of CSR PJB management.

Social Satisfaction Index

The the follow-up activity of this collaboration study was the assignment of internship students to help the development of SME businesses assisted by CSR PT PJB. The theme of the internship is to raise the MSME’s description through the synergy of PT PJB’s CSR with the FEM IPB’s Department of Management student internship program. The apprenticeship activities were carried out in 3 locations of UKM assisted by CSR of PT PJB in UP Muara Karang, Muara Tawar and Cirata.

There were 14 students involved in this internships programs: 8 students were placed at UP Muara Tawar, 4 students at UP Muara Karang, and 3 students at UP Cirata. The research theme of the internship program were financial and accounting management and marketing management. In addition, the students also provided training and social services at the places where they were assigned.

Students and Research Topics involved in SMEs guided by CSR PT PJB

No Students’ Name Research Theme
1 Arini Dwi Fikri Hanim Optimization of the Corporate Social Responsibility Budget of PT PJB UP Muara Tawar
2 Nur Anisa Analysis of Strategies for Building Competitive Advantages of Betawi Seraci Batik (local business under the assistance of CSR Program PT PJB UP Muara Tawar)
3 Hadijah Tauraja Cost Management at Mandiri Dam Cooperative (local business under the assistance of CSR Program PT PJB UP Muara Tawar)
4 Intan Permatasari Strategy Analysis of Consumer Pricing and Willingness To Pay at Betawi Seraci Batik (local business under the assistance of CSR Program PT PJB UP Muara Tawar)
5 Reza Rizki Amalia Cost Management in Shellfish Business (local business under the assistance of CSR Program PT PJB UP Muara Tawar)
6 Shabika Amani Analysis of Financial Inclusion Levels at Patronage Partners of PT PJB UP Muara Tawar
7 Lathifah Salma Financial Feasibility Study Analysis at Mandiri Dam Cooperative (local business under the assistance of CSR Program PT PJB UP Muara Tawar)
8 Fitri Febriany Bahar Analysis of Willing to Pay Consumers and Attributes of Hydroponic Vegetable Products in the Built-in Urban Farming Program of PT PJB UP Muara Karang.
9 Umi Chulsum Disclosure Analysis of CSR Based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI.G4) at PT PJB UP Muara Karang.
10 Qara Fathimah Khanum Product Attributes Analysis and Willingness to Pay for Mangrove Processed Products (local business under the assistance of CSR Program PT PJB UP Muara Tawar)
11 Salamma Implementation of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) as a Form of Eco-Efficiency in Efforts to Minimize Waste at PT PJB UP Muara Karang


The study of IKM measurement continued in the second year of cooperation (2018): “the Measurement of the Community Satisfaction Index Period 2017 and Progress Measurement of PT PJB’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program”. This cooperation study was conducted in 12 units of PT PJB on 10 October – 29 November 2018. The study locations were UP Muara Karang, UP Muara Tawar, UP Cirata, BPWC, UBJOM Indramayu, UBJOM Rembang, UBJOM Tanjung Awar-awar, UBJOM Pacitan, UP Gresik, UP Brantas, UP Paiton, and UBJOM Paiton 9.

Sosial Satisfaction Index Study at PT PJB di UBJOM Paiton

In 2019, student internships were held at the location of the CSR program PT PJB. There were 8 students doing internships (research) in 4 units of PT PJB : UP Muara Karang, UP Muara Tawar, UBJOM Rembang, and UBJOM Indramayu.

Based on the survey result to MSMEs (that is assisted by PT PJB Units), a number of problems were identified in business development. There is an urgent need to provide training to the assisted MSMEs so that they can resolve their business problems. Based on the request of PT PJB Units, training has been conducted for MSMEs assisted by CSR PT PJB at UBJOM Tanjung Awar-awar and UP Muara Karang.

The first training was conducted at UBJOM’s Tanjung Awar-awar (Tuban) MSMEs, in the form of training and development of processed breadfruit flour products which were held on March 19-20 2019. Training on quality improvement, shelf life, and marketing of mangrove-based fruit products was held form MSMEs under the assitance of PT PJB Muara Tawar on April 29-30 2019. The next training is being prepared for MSMEs under the assistance of CSR PT PJB UP Muara Tawar Bekasi.

Sukun Processing Training
Pidada Processing Training


To see the list of other institutions that have cooperation with The Department of Management, -FEM IPB, please click List of National Cooperation – Department Management IPB

January 2025


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