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Guest Lecturer Visit from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to the Management Science Study Program (PSIM) of the IPB Postgraduate School

Guest Lecturer Visit from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to the Management Science Study Program (PSIM) of the IPB Postgraduate School

On May 20-21, 2019 the Management Science Study Program (PSIM) of IPB received a visiting lecturer from Dr. Nor Siah Jaharuddin from the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). In the two days of the trip she became an external examiner of the PSIM master student thesis and gave a public lecture for the PSIM master students. This activity was held under the umbrella of cooperation between IPB and UPM in the “research attachment program”. Research attachment programs are a form of research collaboration at the international level to provide opportunities for students to conduct research abroad under the guidance of partner university supervisors. In this program students are facilitated to collect data, search for literature and discuss directly with their co-supervisor for 1 month in UPM – Malaysia.

PSIM Master Student Thesis exam – Mr.ย  Derry Dardanela

On the first day (20/05) Dr. Nor Siah filled became an external examiner of the thesis exam of two master students who conducted a research attachment program at UPM. The two PSIM students were: Derry Dardanela and Nadia Khairunissa. Both of them were declared to have passed and received excellent exam scores. Through this program PSIM has graduated 9 students equipped with international research experience who are ready to face global competition.

On the second day, May 21, 2019 at 09.00-12.00 a public lecture was conducted by PSIM and Dr. Nor Siah Jaharuddin as the main speaker with the theme “Supply Chain Intelligence“. The event was attended by lecturers and around 37 students. The lecturer who attended this event were Dr. Jono M. Munandar as the Chairman of PSIM, Dr. Eko Ruddy as Secretary of PSIM, Nurhadi Wijaya, STP, MM and Nisa Zahra, STP, M.Sc.

In this public lecture, Dr. Nor Siah Jaharuddin said that the era of globalization made things increasingly boarder-less so that it requires organizations and companies to have a Competitive Intelligence in order to survive and compete. Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a systematic and ethical effort to collect data, analyze, and manage external information that can affect planning, decisions and operations within a company. CI is a process that can give a view to the company about what might happen in the future and to support business decision making. Every company should have CI units in order to survive and compete.

Guest Lecture PSIM –ย  Dr. Nor Siah Jaharuddin: Supply Chain Intelligence

The term Supply Chain Intelligence (SCI), in summary, is a combination of CI and overall Supply Chain activity. SCI has a broad scope, in which the SC activity itself covers all the activities of transforming raw materials and components into the final product delivered to the end consumer.

In the research she did in Malaysia it was found that the concepts and practices in the strategic field of intelligence in Malaysian companies were still relatively new. Manufacturing companies are rather passive in building SCI. This occurs because of the limited information that can be accessed from companies and limited financial resources. Dr. Nor Siah Jaharuddin also found out that limited intelligence expertise and high information costs were the obstacles for Malaysian SMEs to implement SCI.

Souvenirs from PSIM: by Dr. Jono M Munandar to Dr. Nor Siah Jaharuddin

This public lecture program closed with a group photo. Hopefully the collaboration between IPB and UPM Management Sciences Masters Program can continue to grow.


January 2025


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