Manajemen - IPB University


Seminar Be Young Executive merupakan bentuk program kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh Direktorat Human Resources Himpunan Profesi centre of Management (COM@). Seminar ini diperuntukkan untuk umum di lingkup Kampus IPB Dramaga dengan mengutamakan mahasiswa Departemen Manajemen mulai angkatan 49, 50, 51, hingga 52 agar mahasiswa IPB dapat meningkatkan soft skill bidang technopraner dan management functional. Seminar ini membahas beberapa topik menarik yang dikupas secara tuntas oleh para ahli di bidangnya, yaitu :

  1. Maximizing Information And Technology In Business And Non Profit Organization Context
  2. Managerial Functional (Marketing and Supply Chain)

Be Young Executive dimulai pukul 08.15 WIB di Auditorium Andi Muis Nasoetion dan dipandu oleh sepasang MC berbakat dari Manajemen angkatan 50, yaitu Dinda Asla dan Danang Putra Ramadhan. Acara ini diikuti oleh kurang lebih sebanyak 240 peserta, terdiri atas mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor dari bebagai bidang, dengan mahasiswa Departemen Manajemen mendominasi hampir sebagian ruangan. Jargon yang dibawakan untuk memompa semangat peserta dalam acara ini adalah BYE 2015??? Be Young Executive yang diperagakan dengan gerakan yang sangat menggambarkan tujuan acara ini. Suksesnya acara ini juga didukung oleh kerja sama dengan sponsor yang telah mensponsori acara ini, yaitu McDonald’s, Paparonz Pizza, dan BNI Syariah.
Acara seminar dibuka dengan pembacaan ayat suci Al-Quran oleh Aris Munandar (Manajemen 50). Dilanjutkan dengan kata sambutan yang disampaikan oleh Ketua Pelaksana (Rizal Qontrunada) dan Vice Pesident Centre of Management (Jerry Citra Calvin).
Seminar sesi I dipandu Hanum (Manajemen 50) selaku moderator dan materi mengenai Maximizing Information And Technology In Business And Non Profit Organization Context disampaikan oleh dua pembicara muda yang telah sukses berkecimpung langsung di bidangnya, yaitu Muhammad Heychael selaku Director Of Remotividan Efrata Puji Harsono selaku Carousell Community Manager. Seminar sesi I ini diakhiri dengan jawaban lima pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh peserta yang diselingi oleh permainan scissors, paper, stone yang dipandu langsung oleh salah satu pembicara (Efrata Puji Harsono) untuk menghidupkan suasana seminar sesi ini.


Seminar Be Young Executive is a form of work programs implemented by the Directorate of Human Resources Profession Set centre of Management (COM @). The seminar is intended for the public in the sphere of Campus Dramaga IPB with emphasis on student Management Department began to force 49, 50, 51, and 52 so that the student IPB can increase the soft skill areas of technopraner and functional management. This seminar discusses some interesting topics that peeled completely by experts in their field, IE:

  1. Maximizing Information And Technology In Business And Non Profit Organization
  2. Context
  3. Electrical Functional (Marketing and Supply Chain)

Be Young Executive started at 08:15 PM at the Auditorium, Andi Muis Nasoetion and guided by a pair of talented MC Management force 50, i.e. my sister Asla and Danang Putra Ramadan. The event was attended by approximately as much as 240 participants, consisting of students of Bogor agricultural University from a range of fields, with the students of the Department of Management to dominate most of the room. Jargon presented to pump up the spirit of the participants in this event are BYE 2015??? Be Young Executive who practiced with very movement describes the purpose of the event. The success of the event is also supported by the cooperation with sponsors who have sponsored this event, i.e., McDonald’s, Pizza, Paparonz and BNI Syariah. < br/> The seminar was opened with the reading of the Holy Quran by Aris Munandar management (50). Continued with a foreword by the Chairman (Rizal Qontrunada) and Vice Pesident Centre of Management (Jerry Calvin Image) < br/> Seminar session I guided Hanum management (50) as the moderator and material about Maximizing Information And Technology In Business And Non Profit Organization Context delivered by two young speaker who has successfully engaged directly in the field, i.e. Muhammad Heychael as Director Of Ephrath Remotividan Praise Harsono Carousell as Community Manager. Seminar session I ends with the answers to the five questions raised by the participants are punctuated by a game of scissors, paper, stone which are guided directly by one of the speakers (Ephratah Praise Harsono) to liven up the atmosphere of the seminar this session.

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