Departemen Manajemen

Summer Courses by Dept. of Management, IPB

This year, the Department of Management – IPB will hold a Summer Course on Sustainable Agrifood Management in Indonesia, on August 19-28. This event is actually not the first Summer Course that has been held by the Department of Management, this event has been routinely held since 2017. This year is the 3rd event held, and takes the theme: “from traditional to digital”.

The Summer Course was attended by participants from various countries, especially ASEAN countries. Not only the knowledge gained by the participants, but also experiences, new friends, and beautiful memories from IPB and Bogor, the City of Rain.

Here is a glimpse of information about Summer Course activities
The Department of Management has ever held:

1. Management of Indonesian Small Scale and Medium Enterprises (MISSME 2017)
MISSME 2017 Summer Course was successfully held on 6 – 17 August 2017 ago. MISSME 2017 had a multidisciplinary approach that integrated a variety of disciplines that focus on developing Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia. MISSME 2017 included an overview of the development of MSMEs in developing countries, factors influencing the success of MSMEs, marketing strategies and opportunities for MSMEs, MSME creative business models, development policies as well as human resource development and entrepreneurial competence of MSME organizations.

MISSME 2017 speakers consisted of: four lecturers from international universities (UPN, UNSW, University of Hannover), five lecturers from IPB with various cross-disciplines, as well as two instructors from national companies (Bank Indonesia and PT Sierad). There were 15 foreign participants (Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam) and 1 domestic participant participating  MISSME2017.

Figure 1. MISSME2017 Summer Course event

2. Sustainable Agri-food Management in Indonesia (SAMI 2018)
SAMI2018 was a summer course that had been successfully held for 10 days with input from experts from IPB in collaboration with international universities and various food companies. Relevant issues related to sustainable agrifood management were presented and discussed through panel presentation sessions. Furthermore, SAMI2018 provided an opportunity for participants to work together in groups in the context of sustainable agrifood management in Indonesia.

SAMI2018 had a multidisciplinary approach that systematically integrated agriculture, animal husbandry, food science and management science. The SAMI2018 speakers consisted of: Three speakers from foreign universities (Prof. Dr. Hermann Waibel – Leibniz University of Hannover, Prof. Dr. Suhaimi – UPM Malaysia, and Prof. Panchanatam Annamalai University – India), four lecturers from the Department of Management , three interdisciplinary lecturers from within IPB (Mochammad Sriduresta Soenarno, S.Pt., M.Sc – Dept. of IPTP, Dr. Ir. Feri Kusnandar, M.Sc – Dept. ITP, Prof. Dr. Asnath M. Fuah – Dept. of IPTP), as well as five resource persons from companies (practitioners) as fieldtrip objects (Agatho Organic Farm (Bina Sarana Bhakti Foundation), PT Sierad Produce Tbk, Yogurt Cimory, PT BLST, Foresthree, I Grow Resources Indonesia, Inc.) .

SAMI2018 took place from August 6-15, 2018 ago in Bogor, opened by the Mayor of Bogor and closed by the Regent of Bogor. The series of activities consists of 12 lecture and discussion classes, 12 field visit activities, 1 project assignment, and 2 presentation sessions. This summer course was equivalent to 4 credits. SAMI2018 was attended by a total of 19 participants consisting of 14 international participants and 5 domestic participants.

Figure 2 SAMI2018 Summer Course Event

February 2025


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